Thursday, January 19, 2012

SHOT show day 2

Today we spent time on the main level looking at the mainstream products and big name exhibitors

I got an appointment with Smith and Wesson to preview their new clothing line for concealed carry.  Sorry guys, I spent my entire session looking at the ladies line, but I am sure the men’s line is equally as impressive.  Ok girls here is the scoop:  The line is rolling out late summer for their fall collection.  There is a serious of jackets, vests, pants and shirts that are jammed packed with elegant style with subtle touches that are reminiscent of the S&W brand.  The jackets have 11 different pockets that contain hidden mag pouches, holsters, hand warmers, arm pockets, it goes on and on.  The pants have deep pockets and some even have compartments for knee pads if you decide these will be your run n’ gun pants at the range.  The style is on the edge of western, but has a modern twist that I think will fit in with almost any fashion style you are comfortable with.  The only drawback is they are only releasing regular women’s sizes 1-16.  I was very quick to make the request for them to include a Tall line, as I don’t think the current line would really fit me well right now (I am 5’11” and a full figured gal, just in case you haven’t seen a picture of me).

Since we were at the Smith & Wesson Booth, hung out and looked around and found the new M&P .22s, another great inexpensive training options.  We got tons of pictures from their booth, and I will create an album ASAP.  It was also perfect timing that Team Smith & Wesson (Julie Golob, Jerry Miculek, and Doug Koenig) were coming in for an autograph and demo session.  Life is good…I got to hug both Jerry and Julie, got an autographed copy of Julie’s new book, had some chit chat with them before the session started.  I tried not to stumble on my words to much and act like a giddy school girl, but I did and oh well, I am a star-struck fan what can I say.

After that glorious moment we went on to roam the main floor.  We made a couple of great finds, took some cool pictures and did a lot of socializing and productive networking.  I worked a few hours at the Women’s OutdoorMedia Association booth and meet another set of wonderful people, plus I got to hug on a few more friends.  My experience at SHOT would not have been the same without the support that WOMA has given me.  Thank you to Deb Ferns and the entire team that have welcomed me into the fold. 
I will have pictures posted on my facebook pages, and blog very soon with details about products we found, but it is getting late and this gal needs to get ready for day 3.  We go into the dungeon where is more like a gun show and a bunch of cool products that we can’t wait to highlight. 


  1. Excellent. Thank you for the update. Had no idea S&W were making conceal carry clothes for woman. Now I know what my husband will probably be buying me when it comes out.

  2. Great review. I was prolly standing next to you at Jerry's demo in the morning. Scored Julie's book too and got autograph.
